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BioCarbon is Transforming Steelmaking: The Role of Biochar in Decarbonising Steel

Global Growth Program cohort company BioCarbon explains how their biochar production will revolutionise the steel industry

Unlocking the Potential of Australian Homes for a Sustainable Future with Val.Ai

Australian family homes are poised to play a pivotal role in the nation's ambitious target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Find out how Val.Ai are piloting Home Efficiency technology in 2023.

Climate Salad supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Why our climate tech community is supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart

Improving the sustainability of homes, that's hot!

Top Property is an online marketplace platform dedicated to energy and water efficiency, to improve the sustainability of our homes.

Improving air quality and reducing carbon

Steribright has created a distributed hardware/software platform

Australia's defining moment in climate tech

The inaugural Climate Tech Festival was a defining moment in the Australian climate tech ecosystem, demonstrating the strength of this industry.

Optimising HVAC for comfort and the climate

Hal Systems uses predictive tech to ensure as the demands of HVAC increase, the environmental cost does not.

Village Energy, using AI to increase renewable energy

Village Energy helps utilities improve profitability by optimising the grid edge


Billionaire bust-up burns Sun Cable project

A dramatic business bust-up between billionaires Andrew Forrest and Mike Cannon-Brookes has resulted in the collapse of the company behind a $35 billion solar power export project to Singapore, just when it was gearing up for a major campaign to put together funding for construction.

February 6, 2023
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Health in a world of extreme heat

What the health consequences of a hotter climate are and how extreme heat is managed will be two of the defining questions of this decade, and are addressed by several papers in this issue of The Lancet.

January 13, 2023
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
UN launches challenge for cities to harness the power of nature for cooling

Cities are warming twice as fast as the global average. The Nature for Cool Cities Challenge seeks to enhance the number of nature-based cooling solutions within built-up city surface area

January 13, 2023
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Solar payback times narrow as electricity prices rise

Rising electricity costs are reducing the payback periods for the cost of solar panels and their installation to be fully recouped by savings on electricity bills

November 14, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
How climate change is reshaping Australia’s native food industry

Long touted for their far-reaching health, cultural, environmental and social benefits, Australia’s native foods industry is on the precipice of a boom, but as markets finally wake up to the produce’s potential another global factor is increasingly cause for concern.

August 22, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Tesla's big battery started with an Elon Musk Twitter exchange – but behind the scenes, it wasn't that simple

It began with a bet between billionaires. In March 2017, Atlassian chief Mike Cannon-Brookes challenged Tesla boss Elon Musk to make good on a thought bubble about using batteries to solve South Australia's energy problems. "Tesla will get the system installed and working 100 days from contract signature or it is free," Mr Musk replied.

August 22, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Experts say the net zero concept is often used to delay taking action against emissions

There's a growing consensus on the urgent need to bring down carbon emissions, and the global rallying cry is net zero. This isn't just a climate target, it's become a badge of commitment. There's also a realisation that it won't be easy.

August 22, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
'Hot and stressed' grapes: Start-up helps winemakers survive climate change with AI and satellite tech

Oxford start-up Deep Planet is leveraging AI and satellite imagery data to help wine growers and producers adapt to climate change.

July 26, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Renewables remain cheapest, but cost reductions on hold

Renewables remain the cheapest new-build electricity generation option in Australia, although inflation and supply chain disruptions will likely put cost reductions on hold for the next year, CSIRO’s annual GenCost report has found.

July 14, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Meet the Adelaide fintech startup that’s about to revolutionise how banks issue green home loans

Home owners could soon save money on loans and insurance by making their homes more energy efficient, while banks and insurers gain new insights into the sustainability of their residential portfolios, thanks to Adelaide-based fintech startup ValAi.

July 14, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Four key climate change indicators break records in 2021

his is yet another clear sign that human activities are causing planetary scale changes on land, in the ocean, and in the atmosphere, with harmful and long-lasting ramifications for sustainable development and ecosystems, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

June 27, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Dimming the sun could expose 1 billion more people to malaria

A new study illustrates how geoengineering doesn’t just turn back the clock on climate change, it alters the climate in new and perhaps profound ways

May 4, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Environmental impact statement released for Sun Cable's $30 billion solar energy project

Plans to build a massive solar energy project would result in significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in northern Australia

May 4, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Climate of Change with Cate Blanchett and Danny Kennedy

Actor and environmental campaigner Cate Blanchett and clean technology expert Danny Kennedy explore eco-anxiety, optimism and hope in the face of climate change.

April 19, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
How ‘choice architecture’ can help fight climate change

There is a solution to reducing carbon emissions that gets less attention than solar panels or electric cars: “choice architecture,” or behavioral design, that can help influence consumers to make better decisions for the climate.

April 19, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Scientists urge end to fossil fuel use as landmark IPCC report readied

The world must abandon fossil fuels as a matter of urgency, rather than entrusting the future climate to untried “techno-fixes” such as sucking carbon out of the air, scientists and campaigners have urged, as governments wrangled over last-minute changes to a landmark scientific report.

April 8, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
Antarctic ice shelf nearly the size of Los Angeles collapsed as temperatures soared to 40 above normal

An ice shelf in Antarctica nearly the size of Los Angeles disintegrated in mid-March within days of extraordinary warmth on the continent, scientists say.

April 4, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm
How heat became the 'silent killer' stalking Australia

For all its new extremes, the weather we are experiencing is likely to be the most benign we will ever see. This is how climate change will affect where you live.

March 28, 2022
Found by:
Olivia Utharntharm