Colour is more than just a visual sensation; it's a fundamental thread woven into the fabric of our daily lives, shaping our emotions, perceptions, and cultural identities. Imagine a world stripped of colour—a barren place where creativity and expression are suffocated by a monochromatic existence.

Currently, we colour our world primarily through synthetic or natural approaches:‍

  • ‍Synthetic Colours: Crafted through chemical processes, synthetic dyes saturate our surroundings with vivid hues but at a considerable cost. These dyes contribute significantly to environmental damage, causing water pollution through the release of toxic and non-biodegradable chemicals. They also escalate carbon emissions due to energy-intensive production processes and pose health risks, including skin irritations, allergies, and potentially severe long-term effects such as cancer.‍
  • Natural Colours: While offering safety and eco-friendliness, natural dyes often lack the durability and intensity required for widespread use. Due to their poorer colour fastness, natural dyes often involve additional chemicals like metal mordants, longer dyeing times and higher temperatures to improve their performance, which can negate some of their environmental benefits.

Across industries—from textiles and food to cosmetics and packaging—traditional colouring methods present pressing issues:

  • ‍Textile Industry: The global textile industry consumes about 1.3 trillion gallons of water annually for dyeing, often utilizing harmful chemicals that degrade environmental quality. Wastewater from textile dyeing contains toxic substances like azo dyes and heavy metals, leading to 20% of the world’s water pollution and posing risks to aquatic life and human health.‍
  • Food and Cosmetics: Synthetic colourants in food and cosmetics can lead to health concerns such as allergies, hyperactivity in children, and skin irritations. Some synthetic food dyes, like Red 40 and Yellow 5, have been linked to behavioural issues and are derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resources.‍
  • Packaging: Synthetic colours in packaging contribute significantly to environmental pollution and waste. Coloured plastics are harder to recycle, leading to increased plastic pollution. The packaging industry relies heavily on synthetic dyes, exacerbating global plastic waste management challenges.

Newera Bio: Pioneering Sustainable Colour Solutions

At Newera Bio, we're at the forefront of transforming colour production. We embrace nature and pioneer low-carbon colour solutions through advanced biotechnology. By leveraging microbial fermentation and our proprietary technology, we've developed sustainable colour alternatives that not only match the vibrancy and durability of synthetic counterparts but also drastically reduce water and chemical usage.

  • Microbial Fermentation: Our dyes are produced through precision fermentation, where microbes are engineered to produce colour compounds efficiently. This process significantly lowers the environmental footprint, reducing emissions compared to traditional dye manufacturing, and minimizing water and energy consumption. Our processes avoid harmful byproducts and reduce dependency on non-renewable resources.
  • Colour enhancement by proprietary technology: Our proprietary technology enhances the performance of native dyes and pigments for textile applications, to minimize the use of water, energy and chemicals for dyeing process. This ensures that our dyes are safe for both the environment and human health. It also provides cost savings in wastewater treatment and environmental remediation, making them economically viable for industries.
Newera Bio dyed peace silk scarves on display at The Sustainable Angles Future Fabrics Expo 2024

We already offer two product series: BioFresh and BioInfuse. BioFresh includes red and yellow dyes, which are already ton-scale ready, while BioInfulse features indigo and is currently being scaled up in partnership with global industry leaders. Soon, you can expect to see silk bedding, sleepwear, and jeans vibrantly coloured with our sustainable dyes.

Newera Bio dyed peace silk scarves on display the Climate Salad Melbourne Climate Tech Showcase 2024

Our innovative approach ensures that our dyes integrate seamlessly into existing industrial processes, offering a practical and eco-friendly solution to traditional colouring challenges.

Join Us in Creating a New Era of Colour

At Newera Bio, we're committed to spearheading a fossil-fuel-free future, offering communities and the environment a revitalized, colourful beginning. Join us on our journey to establish a new era of clean and sustainable colours that deliver uncompromising performance while preserving our planet's health.

Together, let's paint a future where colour enhances life responsibly and beautifully. Let’s work together to build a fresh start.

Newera Bio dyed peace silk scarves on display The Sustainable Angles Future Fabrics Expo 2024.


Jul 11, 2024

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