Some people call me lucky. Fearless More like. Perhaps touched by an invisible hand.
When I was 20, I was sold as a slave in Africa, but I got away. Soon I was in charge of the Microsoft advertising account, selling the concept of the Internet to the Australian public with the launch of Windows 95. As an artist, I’ve had my sculptures in the National Gallery, and as an architect, I’m famous for my work hacking the relationship between health, behaviour and the buildings we live in. For that, I was made professor of Architecture. I’m also a successful writer… but more than anything else, my calling is to love and protect the planet we all live in. And so that’s where I’ve turned my attention. My next mission is to save the world from the very industry I’m part of: Construction. - Jan Golembiewski
Meet the extraordinary founder saving the planet through new construction technology.

Earthbuilt® is the future of construction. It is an ultra-low carbon extrusion produced by machines that compress construction waste to form structures, and wrap them in high-tensile membranes. Earthbuilt® will revolutionise construction, landscape, emergency management and infrastructure by 3D printing pollution-free walls at almost no cost, exactly where they will be needed doing away with transport and labour. Not only will our technology disrupt the second most polluting industry in the world, but it will also provide sustainable housing solutions for humanity. With Earthbuilt®, people can build with minimal environmental impact and at a fraction of the cost of traditional construction methods.
Customer Focus
Our technology will have a profound financial impact on just about everyone in the world because we all need walls and Earthbuilt® will make them far more affordable. Our first line of customers will be heavy machinery companies like Caterpillar, Case or Komatsu, to whom we will licence the right to make, market and sell Earthbuilt® machines. They will sell to builders, who in turn will sell the walls to people – who may be oblivious to the innovation within their walls. We will also get an ongoing sales stream of builders who want to use our specialist membranes, like an inkjet printer company may have ongoing ink sales.

Our biggest challenge right now is ramping up an idea into a global business. To make good on our promise to displace 1 billion tons of CO2 emissions/year, about 38 million Earthbuilt® machines will need to be in operation. Our first full-scale prototype machine is expected in early May 2023.
Earthbuilt® will disrupt a global USD 5,000,000 million industry because:
A. It’s far cheaper. The nominal costs of Earthbuilt® (including laying) are about 2%of fired brick once laid - wherever you are in the world.
B. It’s far cleaner. Earthbuilt® has almost no carbon footprint whereas the firing of bricks makes up about 4% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
C. It’s safer. Each course of Earthbuilt® is reinforced – giving it greater ductility thanbrick, meaning it will resist earthquakes and floods more effectively.
Team: James McEwen runs an engineering firm. While Jan Golembiewski dream, he builds dreams.
Product: Earthbuilt®: Machines that make walls out of Earth and other construction waste.
Market: There is a global market for Earthbuilt® because everyone needs walls.
Momentum: There are two of us, and our focus is on getting the ducks in a row for our first capital raise. We expect that a product like ours will go viral as it offers genuine hope for the planet and for cheaper, better housing.
Impact: Each Earthbuilt® Machine will displace about 60 tons of CO2/year, reuse about 180 tons of landfill and save the costs of the purchase and laying costs of about 200,000 bricks (5 medium-sized homes). These homes will be more fire, flood and earthquake resistant than masonry homes.

Company Name: Earthbuilt Technology Pty Ltd
Themes: Circular Economy, Construction, Low-CO2 tech
Product stage: Prototype
Founders: Jan Golembiewski and James McEwen
Company mission:
The Earthbuilt® mission is to resolve the global climate crisis by disrupting the world’s most recalcitrant and 2nd most polluting industry: construction. We're doing this by developing materials and machines that are ultraclean, ultra-cheap and with modern approaches to insure structural integrity.
Why the team wants to solve this problem:
- Our primary objective is to bring Earthbuilt® to the world to reduce our global emissions in time to save Planet Earth.
- The market is big (we should be able to make money too.)