Electro Base is a renewable energy technology company which helps companies decarbonise and save money on their energy consumption by offering battery energy storage solutions and fast charging of electric vehicles and fleets, all powered by renewable energy.
Think of us as a big mobile charger to charge all of your company’s electricity needs (power, electric vehicles, electric mining equipment, isolated grid independent locations) using 100% renewable energy.
Customer Focus
We target energy hungry and heaving polluting industries including mining, farming, industrial and commercial.
Our target market is Australia, but we are seeing more uptake from the European market perhaps because the market is ahead of the Australian market in terms of renewable energy implementation, technology and regulatory requirements. The laggardness of the Australian market should put Electro Base in a strong position to implement our solution in the near future.
We are a spin-off from Electro.Aero, which manufactures electric airplane chargers, so about 50% of our customers are organic leads however we are still relatively new and reach out to our customers via conferences, LinkedIn, networking forums, partnering with other renewable energy companies and consultants in the industry.

In some ways, Electro Base is ahead of the Australian market as mentality and regulations are yet to catch up to be part of the mainstream solution. For example, Europe’s regulations and hunger for a renewable economy place it as an ideal market for Electro Base. We find that potential customers in Australia are quickly realising the importance of a decarbonised future and so there will be a point of intersection where product meets demand more readily.
We are ahead of the competition as we offer high voltage (which means higher energy density and efficiency) compared to our competitors but we also offer the fast DC to DC charging components whereby we can charge electric haulage vehicles in under an hour, compared to 10 hours. The challenge however is getting that mindset shift from diesel to electric and reducing the bottleneck for charging availability.

Report Card
Team: We are all super passionate about sustainability and circular economy
Product: Fast DC to DC charging and battery storage powered by renewable energy
Market: Power hungry Commercial and Industrial sectors looking at decarbonising their operations.
Momentum: start up phase but technology from electro.aero which has been around for 7 years.
Impact: Our product in Collie, Western Australia is saving 8 tonnes of carbon dioxide emission per month and $6,000 per month is diesel savings.
Founder: Sylvia Tokic, Ken May, Richard Charlton, Joshua Portlock, Bronson Davies
Capital raising: none to date
Company mission: We exist to help industry decarbonise by offering renewable energy storage solutions and fast DC to DC charging of any electric vehicle
Why the team wants to solve this problem: We are passionate about creating a carbon free future and to circularise the economy as much as possible so our planet's resources are used sustainably.
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