It's the most glorious time of the next four years, where you wake up at 5 am to glue your eyes to the screen and watch your country thump all the other countries in a globally recognised celebration of peak performance that dates right back to the Ancient Greeks and which we technically cannot name here because the IOC said so. 

The fever that surrounds this sporting-event-that-rhymes-with-smallinpics is kinda like a normal fever, except nobody will let you have time off work to handle it, instead imploring you to subscribe only to the basic tenets of what it takes to be an elite athlete; namely to do things harder, better, faster, and stronger. 

The thing is, that’s not how athletes operate, and we shouldn’t either. It's easy to forget when you're watching them smash it and set new world records, but top athletes in any discipline utilise periodisation all the time. Why? Because they and their coaches know that in order to be at the top of your game when it counts, you have to switch off, rest, and recharge every now and then. 

We could learn a thing or two from these incredibly fit, uber-coordinated people, and it has nothing to do with the correct way to throw a javelin or wtf actually happens in dressage. 

Whether you’re a world-class sprinter training for a big race, or you're a marketing manager spending hours hunched over your laptop at night working on a big project, the same principles apply – it’s impossible to be at 100% all the time. 

Being in tune with when you're firing and when you're just not is so important, and removing yourself from the context of everyday life – whether that's the pool, the track, or the broken swivel chair in your office – is how you get the recharge energy you need to hit that podium. 

So why not add nature to your training regime? It's an all-natural supplement that's not on the prohibited list (in fact, it's encouraged) and you can get this in only a few hours.


Ready to step away for a breather? Climate Salad is collaborating with Unyoked to support founders and members with discounted access to Unyoked nature retreats and content to act as a friendly reminder to take a moment, connect with nature, and prioritise your wellbeing.

Aug 14, 2024

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