The Climate Salad Members Platform is our new home for members to get the most out of their membership. In this post we're going to look at the Climate Tech Directory, the Jobs Board, Events page and how you manage your Climate Salad profile.
If you prefer video, we've put together a walkthrough for all new members which you can view here.
The Overview

When you login to Climate Salad you'll land on the overview page. This page will have different actions for you depending on the type of membership you have and the activities you've been involved in with Climate Salad.
We also link to a number of Climate Salad resources which are updated regularly so it's worth checking back to see if there's anything new that's of interest to you.
The Australian Climate Tech Directory

The Australian Climate Tech Directory is where anybody who signs up can add their organisation either as an Australian Climate Tech Company, an Investor or an Ecosystem Supporter.
Paid Climate Salad Members get the additional badge on their profiles.
Australian Climate Tech Jobs Board

The jobs board is where all Australian Climate Tech companies that are members of Climate Salad can list open positions they have.
This board is open to the public which means anyone looking for work can come here, search for roles and apply for the position.
Australian Climate Tech Events

The events page shows all upcoming Australian Climate Tech events and this includes public events as well as those events that we run exclusively for Climate Salad members.
Members are encouraged to add events they're running or that they know about through the Submit an event page so we can share them with the community.
Climate Salad Profile

Everyone who signs up will have a Climate Salad profile which they can update and manage over time.
This profile will be used in our upcoming members discovery area where founders will be able to discover and connect with mentors and investors to help solve problems they're facing. It's going to be a great way for members to have a real impact in this space.
Within your profile you can access your organisations where add a new organisation if you haven't already, or edit an existing one.
Within your organisation you can update your information. Climate Tech companies can also view and manage jobs which are then shown on the jobs page we looked at earlier.
We're continuing to develop the platform and add more features to help our members succeed. If you haven't already, sign up to Climate Salad today!